Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 404-415.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2024.04.005

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International researches on artificial intelligence enabled diagnosis and intervention for children with disabilities in the past two decades: a visualized analysis

WANG Zhenzhou, ZHANG Yang()   

  1. Special Education College, Leshan Normal University, Leshan, Sichuan 614000, China
  • Received:2023-10-31 Revised:2024-03-11 Published:2024-04-25 Online:2024-05-08
  • Contact: ZHANG Yang, E-mail:
  • Supported by:
    Youth Project of Ministry of Education Foundation on Humanities and Social Science(21XJC880006)


Objective To analyze the current status, hot topics and evolution paths of international research on artificial intelligence (AI) enabled clinical diagnosis and intervention for special children in the past 20 years, and to predict the future research trends.

Methods The relevant literature of AI enabled diagnosis and intervention for special children in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database from 2004 to 2023 was retrieved. CiteSpace 6.3.R1 was used to visualize the publication volume, countries (regions), institutions, authors, co-occurrence keywords, keyword clustering and time zone map of international researches.

Results A total of 314 articles were included. Famous universities in Europe and America dominated the research on AI enabled diagnosis and intervention for special children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders was the journal with the most publications. The United States was the country with the most publications. The research team with the most publications was led by Acharya U Rajendra, whose main contribution was to establish data testing and diagnosis models for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) patients. The main keywords were artificial intelligence, ASD, children, machine learning, deep learning, classification, diagnosis, adolescents, individual, recognition, etc. The LLR keyword clustering analysis resulted in ten clusters. The research hotspots were diagnosis, ASD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, deep learning and machine learning. The research subjects mainly included ASD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability, Down syndrome, visual impairment, cerebral palsy and intellectual disability. AI technologies mainly included deep neural network, smart watch, facial expression recognition, virtual reality, robot, machine learning, assistive technology, smart glasses, etc. The application scenarios mainly included diagnosis and screening, treatment, social communication, attention training, navigation and object recognition, motion analysis and treatment, and cognitive therapy, etc. The evolution path and development trend of this field were: the diagnosis and intervention services for special children came from the initial cerebral palsy and learning disability, to multiple types; from the initial classification and diagnosis, to multiple aspects of recognition and intervention; from the initial traditional technology, to new technologies, providing more technical support and method innovation for their personalized and precise education, and forming a multi-technology combination intervention mode.

Conclusion The application of AI technologies in the diagnosis and intervention of children with disabilities shows a significant upward trend. The focus of research is gradually shifting from basic classification and diagnosis to more complex identification and personalized intervention, particularly in areas such as ASD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The use of cutting-edge technologies like deep learning and machine learning is propelling the field towards more precise and personalized treatment. The intervention model combining multiple technologies is becoming the future trend of development in this field.

Key words: artificial intelligence, children with disabilities, diagnosis, intervention, visualized analysis

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