《Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice》 ›› 2023, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11): 1353-1358.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2023.11.014
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WANG Xiaojun, WANG Lichun(), SHI Meichao, LIU Jun, YING Xiaoce, BAI Dehao
WANG Lichun,E-mail: 1162706974@qq.com
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WANG Xiaojun, WANG Lichun, SHI Meichao, LIU Jun, YING Xiaoce, BAI Dehao. Effect of therapeutic postural placement on postural control and balance in stroke patients with hemiplegia[J]. 《Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice》, 2023, 29(11): 1353-1358.
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