《Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice》 ›› 2020, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 668-672.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2020.06.008
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LI Xiao-lin1a,ZHANG Bin-long2,FAN Rui-wen1a,XU Min-jie1a,HUANG Xing1a,SHU Xin1a,LI Chang-ming1a,TAN Zhong-jian1b(),CHANG Jing-ling1a(
TAN Zhong-jian,CHANG Jing-ling
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LI Xiao-lin,ZHANG Bin-long,FAN Rui-wen,XU Min-jie,HUANG Xing,SHU Xin,LI Chang-ming,TAN Zhong-jian,CHANG Jing-ling. Stimulation Mode and Model of Word-picture Language Task in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Test for Post-stroke Aphasia (review)[J]. 《Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice》, 2020, 26(6): 668-672.
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