《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2025, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (1): 1-20.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2025.01.001

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刘京宇, 杨延砚, 张元鸣飞, 刘小燮, 张娜, 张之良, 周谋望()   

  1. 国家康复医学专业医疗质量控制中心/北京大学第三医院康复医学科,北京市 100191
  • 收稿日期:2024-12-09 修回日期:2024-12-19 出版日期:2025-01-25 发布日期:2025-01-22
  • 通讯作者: 周谋望,E-mail: zhoumouwang@163.com
  • 作者简介:刘京宇(1990-),女,汉族,北京市人,博士,主治医师,主要研究方向:骨科康复、康复质控、超声介入。

2023 National Report on Rehabilitation Medicine Services, Quality and Safety in Medical Care System

LIU Jingyu, YANG Yanyan, ZHANG Yuanmingfei, LIU Xiaoxie, ZHANG Na, ZHANG Zhiliang, ()   

  1. National Center for Healthcare Quality Management in Rehabilitation Medicine/Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China
  • Received:2024-12-09 Revised:2024-12-19 Published:2025-01-25 Online:2025-01-22
  • Contact: ZHOU Mouwang, E-mail: zhoumouwang@163.com


目的 从医疗机构康复医疗服务结构、环节、结果指标等方面,分析2022年全国综合医院康复医学科及康复医院的医疗服务质量与安全现状。

方法 本报告数据源自国家医疗质量管理与控制信息系统。2023年度调查共纳入全国7 250家医疗机构的康复医疗质量相关数据,覆盖全部二级以上综合医院、康复医院,以及中医、中西医结合综合医院。经过数据清洗,最终纳入3 153家配置康复医学科病房的医院数据进行深入分析。

结果 在2023年度纳入调查的7 250家综合医院中,仅3 277家设置康复医学病房。综合医院中,56.46%医院的平均每床配置医师数、77.67%医院的平均每床配置康复治疗师数、51.18%医院的平均每床配置护士数未达到国家要求。尽管较2021年有所改善,但人才缺口依然显著。此外,综合医院骨科、神经内科病房、重症医学科病房的早期康复介入率分别为13.98%、20.82%和21.36%。综合医院康复医学科出院患者平均日常生活活动能力(ADL)改善率为77.69%,康复医院出院患者ADL改善率为66.78%。

结论 康复医学科病房配置及设施规模不足,康复服务人力资源短缺,康复服务与临床服务的融入欠缺,康复服务的效果与效率尚有提升空间等。建议扩大康复服务规模、完善学科建设;提高康复人力资源的数量和质量;将康复服务融入健康服务体系;建立健全临床康复指南和技术规范;构建康复医学信息平台等。

关键词: 康复医学, 医疗服务, 质量安全, 质量控制


Objective To describe the medical services quality and safety of rehabilitation medicine departments in general hospitals and rehabilitation hospitals in 2022 from the aspects of structure, link and outcome quality.

Methods Through the National Clinical Improvement System of the National Health Commission, all secondary and above general hospitals and rehabilitation hospitals were investigated in 2022, the relevant data from 7 250 hospitals, including traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospitals in 2022. A total of 3 153 sampling hospitals that equipped with rehabilitation medicine wards were included for analysis.

Results Among the 7 250 general hospitals surveyed this year, only 3 277 equipped with rehabilitation wards. In general hospitals, the average number of physicians per bed in 56.46% hospitals, the average number of rehabilitation therapists per bed in 77.67% hospitals, and the average number of nurses per bed in 51.18% hospitals did not meet the national requirements. The rates of early rehabilitation intervention were 13.98%, 20.82% and 21.36% respectively in the department of orthopedics, department of neurology and department of intensive care in general hospitals. The average activity of daily living improvement rate of discharged patients from rehabilitation departments of general hospitals was 77.69%, and that of discharged patients from rehabilitation specialized hospitals was 66.78%.

Conclusion There are insufficient allocation of wards and facility scales in the department of rehabilitation medicine, a shortage of human resources for rehabilitation services, inadequate integration of rehabilitation services with clinical services, and there is still scope for enhancing the effect and efficiency of rehabilitation services. It is recommended to expand the scale of rehabilitation services and improve discipline construction; increase the quantity and quality of rehabilitation human resources; incorporate rehabilitation services into the health service system; establish and modify clinical rehabilitation guidelines and technical specifications; and construct a rehabilitation medical information platform.

Key words: rehabilitation medicine, medical service, quality and safety, quality control
