《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 598-605.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2024.05.015

• 辅助技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈盼盼1,2, 王炳龙1(), 董理权3, 刘夕东2, 杨幼平2, 李佳玥2   

  1. 1.中国医学科学院北京协和医学院卫生健康管理政策学院,北京市 100037
    2.四川省八一康复中心(四川省康复医院),四川成都市 611135
    3.中国残疾人辅助器具中心,北京市 100070
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-03 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 通讯作者: 王炳龙,男,博士,教授,E-mail: wangbinglong@sph.pumc.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:陈盼盼(1986-),女,汉族,河南确山县人,中级辅助器具适配师、中级社会工作师,主要研究方向:康复工程、卫生健康管理政策。

Unmet needs for assistive technology and its related factors for persons with physical disabilities in Chengdu, China

CHEN Panpan1,2, WANG Binglong1(), DONG Liquan3, LIU Xidong2, YANG Youping2, LI Jiayue2   

  1. 1. School of Health Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100037, China
    2. Sichuan Provincial Bayi Rehabilitation Center (Sichuan Provincial Rehabilitation Hospital), Chengdu, Sichuan 611135, China
    3. China Assistive Devices and Technology Center for Persons with Disabilities, Beijing 100070, China
  • Received:2024-04-03 Published:2024-05-25 Online:2024-06-12
  • Contact: WANG Binglong, E-mail: wangbinglong@sph.pumc.edu.cn


目的 调查成都市肢体残疾人未满足辅助技术需求,并分析其影响因素。

方法 2023年11月至2024年3月,对四川省“量体裁衣”服务平台登记的成都市肢体残疾人,采用世界卫生组织快速辅助技术评估问卷进行调查。

结果 共发放问卷558份,回收有效问卷527例。26.8%的残疾人有未满足辅助技术需求,移动辅具需求最高(66.0%)。缺少支持(54.9%)、价格昂贵(26.3%)和不了解辅助器具(20.3%)是未获得所需辅具的主要原因。丧偶(OR = 3.615)、严重移动障碍(OR > 2.926)、严重自我护理障碍(OR > 2.781)是辅具需求未满足的风险因素(P < 0.05)。

结论 应加大对辅具政策和辅具产品的宣传,关注不同障碍残疾人群的个性化辅具适配,增强辅具服务体系建设,以满足残疾人辅具需求。

关键词: 残疾人, 辅助技术, 卫生服务需求, 影响因素


Objective To investigate the unmet needs for assistive technology for people with physical disabilities in Chengdu, and analyze the related factors.

Methods From November, 2023 to March, 2024, the persons with physical disabilities in Chengdu were selected from Sichuan Individuation service platform, and investigated using World Health Organization rapid Assistive Technology Assessment.

Results A total of 558 questionnaires were set up, and 527 effective questionnaires retured. 26.8% of them reported unmet needs for aids, with the highest need for mobility aids (66.0%). Lack of support (54.9%), high price (26.3%) and lack of knowledge about aids (20.3%) were the main reasons for not obtaining the aids they needed. Loss of spouse (OR = 3.615), serious mobility impairment (OR > 2.926) and serious self-care impairment (OR > 2.781) were the risks of unmet needs for aids.

Conclusion It is important to popularize policies and products of aids, pay attention to personal adaptation for people with different barriers, and strengthen the service system, to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

Key words: people with disabilities, assistive technology, health services needs and demand, related factors
