《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 389-396.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2024.04.003

• 专题 康复政策与发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


冷晴1, 张颖2, 张伟锋1()   

  1. 1.南京特殊教育师范学院,江苏南京市 210038
    2.江苏省儿童康复研究中心,江苏南京市 210004
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-01 出版日期:2024-04-25 发布日期:2024-05-08
  • 通讯作者: 张伟锋(1981-),男,汉族,湖南沅江市人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向:听力语言康复、儿童言语治疗与特殊教育。E-mail: psy_zfwei03@sina.com
  • 作者简介:冷晴(1989-),女,汉族,江苏泰兴市人,硕士,助理研究员,主要研究方向:公共卫生事业管理、高等教育管理。
  • 基金资助:

Survey on competency status of hearing and speech rehabilitation professionals in Jiangsu, China

LENG Qing1, ZHANG Ying2, ZHANG Weifeng1()   

  1. 1. Nanjing Special Education Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210038, China
    2. Jiangsu Children's Rehabilitation Research Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210004, China
  • Received:2024-03-01 Published:2024-04-25 Online:2024-05-08
  • Contact: ZHANG Weifeng, E-mail: psy_zfwei03@sina.com
  • Supported by:
    National Social Science Foundation Project(19BYY086);China Disabled Persons' Federation Project(2023CDPFHS-14)


目的 分析江苏省听力语言康复从业人员胜任力状况并提出政策建议。

方法 2023年9月至12月,对江苏省19个康复机构和11所特校康复部312例听力语言康复从业人员线上发放《听力语言康复从业人员胜任力状况调查问卷》,并结合访谈提纲对所涉及单位的部分人员进行线上访谈。

结果 听力语言康复从业人员学历总体偏低,67%以上为大专学历,近30%为本科学历,研究生学历人员接近4%,超过50%人员通过继续教育等途径取得现学历。听力语言康复从业人员职称总体偏低,近80%仅为初级职称或未取得职称。约50%听力语言康复从业人员自我报告对儿童发展、学前教育理论、助听辅具、言语语言康复训练等专业知识有些了解或理解透彻,超过60%的从业人员对科学研究、课程开发、康复理论、言语病理学等专业知识不太了解或根本不了解;近50%从业人员对专业技能只是有些了解,只有近45%从业人员对此理解较透彻;50%从业人员制定个别化训练计划和家庭康复指导做得较好或很好,超过30%做得一般;近30%人员完全没有参与过课程开发,近60%人员没有参与过任何课题研究;80%以上从业人员在教学设计和康复效果评价方面做得较好或做得很好,近70%从业人员在教学活动方面做得较好或做得很好,但从业人员在说、画、唱、跳等幼教技能方面相对较弱。

结论 听力语言康复从业人力资源总体不足,表现为教育供给不足、成长路径设计不够和职后培训资源有待充实等。大部分人员对康复理论、言语病理学等专业知识理解不够,在科学研究和课程开发方面能力明显不足,幼教技能较弱。有必要根据世界卫生组织《康复胜任力架构》,对听力语言康复从业人员的人力资源分布和胜任力状况进行研究,根据服务需求,制定人力资源发展规划、设计继续教育项目和课程体系、构建听力语言康复人员的职业胜任力标准,开展职业能力鉴定和继续教育培训工作,提升听力语言康复服务能力和服务质量。

关键词: 听力语言康复, 从业人员, 康复胜任力架构


Objective To analyze the competency status of hearing and speech rehabilitation professionals in Jiangsu province and propose policy recommendations.

Methods From September to December, 2023, a questionnaire on the competency status of hearing and speech rehabilitation professionals was distributed online to 312 professionals from 19 rehabilitation institutions and eleven special schools in Jiangsu province. Additionally, some staff members from the involved units were interviewed online using an interview outline.

Results The education level of professionals in hearing and speech rehabilitation was generally low, with over 67% holding associate degree, nearly 30% holding bachelor's degree, and less than 4% with post-graduate degree. More than 50% of these professionals had obtained their current qualifications through continuing education and other means. The professional titles of hearing and speech rehabilitation workers were generally low, with nearly 80% holding only junior title or no title at all. About 50% of professionals in this field reported have some knowledge or a thorough understanding of child development, preschool education theory, hearing aids, and speech and speech rehabilitation training. Over 60% of professionals were not very familiar with or completely unfamiliar with scientific research, curriculum development, rehabilitation theory, and speech pathology; about 50% of professionals had only some understanding of professional skills, and only about 45% had a thorough understanding of them. 50% of professionals did a good or very good job in developing individualized training plans and providing family rehabilitation guidance, while more than 30% perform average; nearly 30% had never been involved in curriculum development, and about 60% had not participated in any research projects; over 80% performed well or very well in teaching design and rehabilitation effect evaluation, nearly 70% did well or very well in teaching activities, but professionals were relatively weak in preschool education skills such as speaking, drawing, singing and dancing.

Conclusion The overall shortage of human resources in the field of hearing and speech rehabilitation is characterized by insufficient educational supply, inadequately designed career paths, and the need for more comprehensive post-qualification training resources. Most personnel have an inadequate understanding of rehabilitation theories and speech pathology, and they significantly lack abilities in scientific research and curriculum development, with weak skills in preschool education. It is necessary to study the distribution of human resources and the competency status of hearing and speech rehabilitation professionals according to the World Health Organization rehabilitation competency framework. Based on service demands, it is crucial to develop human resource development plans, design continuing education programs and curricula, establish competency standards for hearing and speech rehabilitation personnel, and carry out professional competency assessments and continuing education and training to enhance the capacity and quality of hearing and speech rehabilitation services.

Key words: hearing and speech rehabilitation, professional, rehabilitation competency framework
