《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2023, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (8): 977-984.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2023.08.016

• 教育康复 • 上一篇    下一篇


朱婷1, 张玉红2,3()   

  1. 1.深圳市龙岗区特殊教育学校,广东深圳市518100
    2.新疆师范大学教育学院,新疆乌鲁木齐市 830017
    3.新疆教师教育研究中心,新疆乌鲁木齐市 830017
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-03 修回日期:2023-08-15 出版日期:2023-08-25 发布日期:2023-10-09
  • 通讯作者: 张玉红 E-mail:534937210@qq.com
  • 作者简介:朱婷(1983-),女,汉族,湖北荆州市人,中国心理学会康复心理学专委会委员、中国残疾人康复协会残疾分类研究专业委员会常委,中小学一级教师,主要研究方向:ICF、特殊教育、残疾儿童音乐教育、音乐与健康促进。
  • 基金资助:

Construction of conceptual framework and approaches of music education in special education schools based on ICF

ZHU Ting1, ZHANG Yuhong2,3()   

  1. 1. Shenzhen Longgang District Special Education School, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100, China
    2. School of Education Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830017, China
    3. Center for Xinjiang Teacher Education and Research, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830017, China
  • Received:2023-08-03 Revised:2023-08-15 Published:2023-08-25 Online:2023-10-09
  • Contact: ZHANG Yuhong E-mail:534937210@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    Xinjiang Normal University Doctoral Research Startup Fund(XJNUBS202008)


目的 运用《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF),系统分析特殊教育学校(培智学校)智力与发展性残疾儿童的功能特点,构建适用于特殊教育学校学生功能特点的音乐教育理论架构与方法体系。
方法 根据ICF功能分类的方法,针对特殊教育学校(培智学校)智力与发展性残疾学生,从身体功能、活动和参与以及环境因素3个层面对特殊音乐课程以及学生的学习行动进行系统分析,构建功能定向的音乐教育原则、核心课程内容以及教育和评估体系。
结果 智力与发展性残疾儿童功能特点主要表现为:在身体功能层面,学生在整体心理社会功能(b122)、心理运动功能(b147)、能量和驱力功能(b130)、高水平认知功能(b164)、注意力功能(b140)、随意运动控制功能(b760)和不随意运动功能(b765)等功能上可能存在障碍;音乐相关的活动和参与方面,学生在游戏(d9200)、运动(d9201)、艺术和文化(d9202)、社会活动(d9205)、其他特指或未特指的改变和保持身体姿势(d429)等方面可能存在障碍;在环境因素层面,学生在教育用的用品和技术(e130)、自然环境和对环境的人为改变,未特指(e299)、直系亲属家庭(e310)、朋友(e320)、其他专业人员(e360)、态度(e4)、教育和培训的服务、体制和政策(e585)等环境因素上可能会受到影响。在音乐教学活动中,确立以儿童为中心的原则,倡导功能定向的包容性音乐教育活动。运用ICF,构建音乐课程目标,开展功能定向的音乐学习活动,包含实施欢迎和热身活动、音乐欣赏活动,歌唱和歌曲学唱、音乐与舞蹈活动结合,学习音乐创作活动,以及高年级探索学习乐器演奏、合唱和合奏活动。运用ICF身体功能、活动和参与以及环境因素3个层面的分类,可以评估学生综合性功能和音乐学习需求评估。基于评估结果分析,可以构建功能定向的适应性音乐教育方案,具体涉及:在分析学生功能特点基础上,设立适应性的音乐学习目标以及制定相应的教学策略;通过分析儿童所处的环境对其音乐参与的影响以及考虑家庭、学校等环境因素,设置适应性的音乐教育环境,并且为学生提供支持性和适应性的音乐教育环境;在分析和评估儿童音乐活动需求和功能特点的基础上,开发并实施功能定向的音乐教育课程,并且根据学生的功能特点,提供融合性或者个别化的音乐教育实践,为特殊需求的学生提供音乐学习活动和社交互动展示机会。将ICF应用于学生的音乐学习评估中,建立功能定向的音乐学习评估体系,包括诊断性、形成性和终结性的音乐学习评估。
结论 本研究基于ICF身体功能、活动和参与以及环境因素3个层面,对特殊教育学校学生的功能特点进行系统分析,构建了功能定向、适应性和包容性的特殊教育学校音乐教育理论架构和课程核心内容。运用ICF的分类功能,在对特殊学校学生进行功能评估和分析基础上,建立功能定向的音乐教育目标,并且设置适应性音乐教育环境,开发并实施功能定向、适应性和包容性的音乐教育课程,开展学生音乐学习评价。

关键词: 特殊音乐教育, 功能定向, 适应性音乐教育


Objective To apply International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) to systematically analyze the functional characteristics of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in special education schools, and develop a theoretical framework and methodology for music education that suits the students' functional profiles.
Methods Using the ICF's functional classification approach, the study focused on children with IDD in special education schools. It conducted a systematic analysis of the special music curriculum and students' learning behaviors from three levels: body functions, activity and participation, and environmental factors. The study then constructed function-oriented, adapted and inclusive principles, core curriculum content, and an education and evaluation system for music education.
Results The main functional characteristics of children with IDD were at three levels: at the body function level, students may experience impairments in Global psychosocial functions (b122), psychomotor functions (b147), energy and drive functions (b130), high-level cognitive functions (b164), attention functions (b140), control of voluntary movement functions (b760), and involuntary movement functions (b765), among others; at the music-related activity and participation level, students may experience impairments in play (d9200), sports (d9201), arts and culture (d9202), social activities (d9205), and other specified or unspecified changes in maintaining body posture (d429); at environmental factors level, there may be influenced on products and technology for education (e130), natural environment and human-made changes to the environment, unspecified (e299), immediate family (e310), friends (e320), other professionals (e360), attitudes (e4), and educational and training services, systems and policies (e585). In music teaching activities, child-centered principles were established, advocating function-oriented inclusive music education activities. The study used the ICF's method to construct music curriculum objectives and conduct function-oriented music learning activities. These activities included welcoming and warm-up activities, music appreciation activities, singing and learning songs, combining music with dance activities, music composition activities, as well as exploring instrument playing, choir, and ensemble activities for higher grades. By using the ICF's three functional levels, a comprehensive functional assessment and music learning needs assessment can be conducted for students. Based on the assessment results, a function-oriented adaptive music education program can be developed, including: setting adapted music learning objectives and developing corresponding teaching strategies based on the analysis of students' functional characteristics; establishing accessible music education environments considering the impact of the students' environment on their music participation, and providing supportive and accessible music education environments within the family and school settings; developing and implementing function-oriented music education based on the analysis and evaluation of students' music activity needs and functional characteristics, providing inclusive or individualized music education practices, and offering opportunities for special needs students to enjoy music learning activities and social interactions. By applying the ICF to the assessment of music education for students, a function-oriented music learning assessment system can be established, including diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments of music learning.
Conclusion This study systematically analyzed the functional characteristics of IDD children in special education schools based on the ICF's three levels of body function, activity and participation, and environmental factors. It constructed a function-oriented, adapted and inclusive theoretical framework, and core curriculum content for music education in special education schools. Using the ICF, the study established function-oriented music education objectives, set up accessible music education environments, developed and implemented function-oriented, adapted and inclusive music education curricula, and conducted student music learning assessments.

Key words: special music education, functioning orientation, adapted music education
