《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (9): 1017-1023.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2021.09.004

• 专题辅助技术政策与发展研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国康复研究中心,北京市 100068
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-21 修回日期:2021-08-17 出版日期:2021-09-25 发布日期:2021-10-09
  • 通讯作者: 朱图陵 E-mail:zhutuling@sina.com
  • 作者简介:朱图陵(1939-),男,汉族,安徽全椒县人,研究员、总工程师,国际标准化组织ISO TC173/SC2专家工作组WG12成员,国际标准ISO 9999《残疾人辅助产品分类和术语》起草小组成员,主要研究方向:辅助技术。

Conceptual Discussion of Assistive Technology

ZHU Tu-ling()   

  1. China Rehabilitation Research Center, Beijing 100068, China
  • Received:2021-06-21 Revised:2021-08-17 Published:2021-09-25 Online:2021-10-09
  • Contact: ZHU Tu-ling E-mail:zhutuling@sina.com


目的 介绍辅助技术的基础知识,以及世界卫生组织(WHO)对辅助技术的最新认识。方法 收集有关辅助技术领域的文献,包括WHO自1948年成立以来的有关文件和国际标准ISO 9999,以及公开发表的有关文章进行分析和综述。结果 对辅助技术的认识经历了4个阶段:早期(不重视)、中期(残疾人需要康复工程)、近期(功能障碍者需要辅助技术)和最近(全人类健康需要辅助技术)。介绍辅助技术的基本知识,包括定义、特点、分类、作用、选用和应用。结论 人们对辅助技术的认识随着对康复认识的深入而提高。随着康复纳入健康服务体系,辅助技术也成为健康技术的一个分支。

关键词: 辅助技术, 辅助产品, 辅助技术服务


Objective To introduce the basic knowledge on assistive technology and World Health Organization (WHO) latest understanding of assistive technology.Methods The literatures in the field of assistive technology, including relevant documents of WHO since its establishment in 1948, and ISO 9999, as well as related articles published were reviewed.Results The understanding of assistive technology can be divided into four stages: early (ignored), midterm (disabled persons needed rehabilitation engineering), recent (persons with disabilities needed assistive technology), and the latest (all the human needed assistive technology). The basic knowledge of assistive technology, including definition, characteristics, classification, function, selection and application were also introduced.Conclusion The awareness of assistive technology is improved with the in-depth understanding of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation has become a part of the health service system, which means assistive technology is a subset of health technology.

Key words: assistive technology, assistive products, assistive technology services