《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2017, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 572-574.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9771.2017.05.017

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


贾延兵, 刘浩2, 熊愿, 王楚珊, 洪文侠, 钟林森3, 黄战武3, 张世杰3   

  1. 1.广东省工伤康复医院,a.物理治疗科;b.粤港运动损伤康复与研究中心,广东广州市 510440;
    2.宜兴九如城康复医院康复治疗部,江苏宜兴市 214200;
    3.东莞市康复医院物理治疗科,广东东莞市 523119。
  • 收稿日期:2016-09-25 修回日期:2017-01-13 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2017-05-24
  • 通讯作者: 刘浩(1982-),男,汉族,河南洛阳市人,博士,主管治疗师,主要研究方向:经颅磁刺激、脑神经科学、神经康复及骨科康复。E-mail: liuhao0909@163.com。
  • 作者简介:贾延兵(1982-),女,汉族,河南禹州市人,主管治疗师,主要研究方向:烧伤及骨关节损伤的物理治疗。

Reliability and Validity of A Novel Hand-held Dynamometer for Muscles Strength of Lower Extremities

JIA Yan-bing, LIU Hao2, XIONG Yuan, WANG Chu-shan, HONG Wen-xia, ZHONG Lin-sen3, HUANG Zhan-wu3, ZHANG Shi-jie3   

  1. 1. a. Department of Physical Therapy; b. Guangdong-Hongkong Joint Sports Injury Rehabilitation and Research Center, Guangdong Provincial Work Injury Rehabilitation Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510440, China;
    2. Rehabilitation Department, JORU Rehabilitation Hospital, Yixing, Jiangsu 214200, China;
    3. Department of Physical Therapy, Dongguan Rehabilitation Hospital, Dongguan, Guangdong 523119, China
  • Received:2016-09-25 Revised:2017-01-13 Published:2017-05-25 Online:2017-05-24
  • Contact: LIU Hao. E-mail: liuhao0909@163.com

摘要: 目的 测试手持型肌力测定仪OE-210测定下肢肌力的信度与效度。方法 2016年3月1日至4月30日,正常青年人38名,由2位治疗师分别使用OE-210进行股四头肌和腘绳肌肌力测定,其中一位治疗师在3 d后重复测试1次。受试者1 d后接受下肢等速肌力测试。计算组内相关系数(ICC),OE-210测试结果与等速测试结果进行Pearson相关分析。结果 同一测试者重复测量ICC=0.718~0.924;不同测试者间ICC=0.784~0.870。OE-210测试结果与等速测试峰力矩正显著相关性(P<0.001),其中股四头肌轻中度相关(r=0.270~0.413),腘绳肌高度相关(r=0.582~0.668)。结论 OE-210肌力测定仪测试下肢股四头肌、腘绳肌的信度良好,而确保其使用效度的条件尚需进一步研究。

关键词: 手持型肌力测定仪, 信度, 效度, 下肢, 肌力

Abstract: Objective To investigate the reliability and validity of a novel hand-held dynamometer, OE-210, for muscles strength of lower extremities. Methods From March 1st to August 30th, 2016, 38 young adults were tested the muscle strength of quadriceps and hamstrings with OE-210 dynamometer by 2 rators, and were retested by one of the raters three days later. The isokinetic test was also conducted on all the subjects one day afterwards. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of OE-210 test Results and the Pearson's correlation coefficient between Results of OE-210 and isokinetic test were calculated. Results The ICC of test-retest were 0.718 to 0.924, and the ICC of inter-rater were 0.784 to 0.870. The correlation between muscle performance measured with 2 tools were significant (P<0.001), that was light to medium on quadriceps (r=0.270-0.413), and strong on hamstrings (r=0.582-0.668). Conclusion OE-210 dynamometer was reliable for muscle strength measurement on quadriceps and hamstrings, and the conditions for valid application need further research.

Key words: hand-held dynamometer, reliability, validity, lower extremity, muscle strength
