《中国康复理论与实践》 ›› 2007, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (04): 301-306.

• 专题 现代辅助技术 •    下一篇



  1. 早稻田大学人间科学学术院健康科学和社会福利系,日本东京市
  • 收稿日期:2007-03-07 出版日期:2007-04-01 发布日期:2007-04-01

Components of Assistive Engineering

SHAN Nei-fan   

  • Received:2007-03-07 Published:2007-04-01 Online:2007-04-01

摘要: 为通过工程学方法提高生活质量,作者讨论了针对多数用户的通用设计(UD)和少数用户的孤独产品(OP)。UD是指数量很大无需考虑适配的设计;OP是指数量很少而适配量很大的产品。按照此模式,辅助产品(AP)介于UD和OP两个极端之间。作者在文中讨论了ISO和ICF对AP的定义以及两个定义的区别,AP要求一定的数量又必须适配。作者还讨论了AP的研究和开发,来自主流的技术转让有益于AP。作者认为,如果AP与环境有关,则趋向于UD端。

关键词: 辅助工程, 辅助产品, 通用设计, 孤独产品

Abstract: In order to contribute to engineering for QOL, dualism of universal design (UD) and orphan products (OP) is discussed. UD is for larger market size without adaptation, and OP is for smaller market size with extensive adaptation. In this model of assistive products (AP), AP is in a spectrum of UD and OP at both extremes. Definitions of AP by ISO and by ICF are discussed and the difference is illustrated using this model. The position of AP in the spectrum shows expected market size and degree of necessary adaptation. R&D aspects of AP are also discussed. Technology transfer from mainstream is beneficial to AP. A hypothesis is presented that AP tend to move towards UD extreme on the spectrum, if it is relevant to environment.

Key words: assistive engineering, assistive products, universal design, orphan products